Sunday, September 13, 2009

I've forgotten how annoying uploading in Blogger can be..sorry if they're not in chronological order

Enjoy them LY

Bowling Day
Us cramped in L's ride

L and i getting our license at the new Land Transport Building

Kepiangs, Kepang and I on Team Blah.. The Winning Team btw XD

Ckg, Ju's honorable welcome to Men Gang

The XX kg heavier me

Gotta love this man <3

Y9:46 PM

It felt like a lifetime, since I last blogged.. since then much has happened..and there's still more to come..

I'm on another holiday now as I type this.. Taking Holidays is all Ive been doing this month.. so officially, I've been away from school for a month now.. feels weird to be honest.. to miss so much and just pick up from where i last left.. just as i am doing right now

Taiwan was awesome.. I had a blasttt! my Fourth year and i still feel sad having to leave after a good week there.. i cant describe it.. For the past years, i usually arrive Taipei in the dead of the night.. This trip however i arrived in the afternoon.. so i could finally see the sights i've been missing out.. its awesome.. The people, the food, the air; its almost like home

KL wasnt so bad either, just didnt like having a rushed trip.. Kudos to XL,K and Jm for making the 4 plane rides and bus rides fun and interesting..and for those times we stayed up at Tune chilling and wishing somehow we didnt have to go home.. To next year!

Great to hear from The Gals.. They've settled to the cold and food there.. Things still remain nostalgic from the last I've seen them.. But all is good.. XD

Making way for study sessions now.. In the next 40 days or so, AS Level will happen.. and i'll be all mad and stuff..

Lazy to pick up from where i left

Y9:31 PM

Monday, August 24, 2009

Last Night, I told myself that i had till Tues to get my life back in order.. so here comes the next 48 hours that can change my life.. Its already monday now.. halfway through.. After i get back from my 10 day stretch at Tw and Kl, i need to get some prespective.. so basically im facing whatever i've left undone..

Sorry to The Gals..over the Puasa Weekend, i managed to ppk them 4 different times.. yes S, i do feel guilty wan hopefully tommorow's gathering will turn out well.. it'll be the last i get to see of you for the next 10 months.. 10 months is soo long.. do not try prove otherwise.. 10 months ago would be October 2008.. around that time, i was freaking out for O'levels.. much have changed... wonder how 10 months LATER will be like.. by June 2010, i hope to be driving, striving and more!

Said my goodbyes to Anna today at school.. She was nice enough to join a few of our classes to keep me company.. Like she said, 'Everything feels like a lifetime away".. So true, yet thats not the big picture..bottom line, it was a GOOD lifetime that made a difference..Walked her to her car and there it was.. the goodbye part.. the rest of my day felt surreal..

After the gathering tommorow, i'll be rushing off to Airport..

In case i do not get to say my proper goodbye.. To the Gals: S, LY, HY, Fiona, Jo and Anna..

In this phase of my life, i learned the hard way that some songs arent meant to rhyme and some stories you hear and tell do not have a definate beginning, middle or end.. Wherever you may be, remember that Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what will come next..

Dont miss home too much.. you'll be just fineeee.. Mai Tiao Kehh ah ok.. WRITE, SKYPE, TYPE!

Manservant bring us a round of champagne

*To you*

Y3:20 PM

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Without a doubt, i had one of my best week ever.. Men Gang and I managed to pull a 40hour shift at school with overtime.. survived 2 tests..and attended about 4 functions throughout the week..

Quick run through the highlights XD

Monday- Icebarrr with Olivia and Men Gang.. great start to my 'Wake up' week.. Scared the Kiulap Plaza Hotel tourists with our Self Timer moments

Tuesday- The Gals came to school for class photo.. We ended up being chased out of the library and we made a scene playing tag team pictionary.. DAMN HILARIOUS!
Our freestyle class pic is AWESOMEE! by hook, by crook, it shall be on the school magazine
Men Gang and I made our first 'Nan Quan Mama' Album debut..

Wednesday- Slow day at school.. Night was more interesting..Perseids Meteor occured.. Unfortunately it can only be seen in the Northern Atmosphere.. If you were looking out to the sky, and if you made a wish, then lucky you

Thursday- Overtime at school.. We played with *lilies* during chem.. unfortunately no pictures are allowed to be posted.. Lets just say, we learned alot about acid reaction with *lilies*.. So loads of fancy colours and effervescence..
Mei zhu's advanced Bash happened at Subok..

Friday- Rachel's Sick Leave
Saturday- Calmest day at school.. Experienced an unexplainable tranquality.. no idea where all the Zen came from.. But it was good.. Olivia's Farewell happened at night.. I too said farewell to her Carbonara and Mushroom salad.. Three thumbs up for the night..loads of laughs and dirty jokess...

Sunday- Threw Abi a surprise party at Reen's place.. Plan was almost foiled.. luckily Siaw Hui managed to wake her up on time.. I ended up spoiling the surprise.. the word cake popped out unexpectedly from my tongue..MY BAD.. ironically small cake but loads of side food..Chat and fooled around all afternoon..

In a way, im looking forward to the next week XD

Y6:19 PM

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Not so long ago, my world was divided.. Either you are a Leaver or a Non-Leaver..

Duh, Non-Leaver *points to self*..

With time, and thanks to loads of moral support, encouragement and advice, Im begining to see that the grass is as green on this side..

Thanks to those who gave me an outlet for me to rant and rage.. and a shell to hide momentarily from the storm..

Thanks for all the heart-to-hearts, non judgemental comments.. endless hours of chatting..

Names need not to be mentioned here.. Tons of people played a significant role..

To all fellow Non-Leavers.. We have more shots upcoming! same time year 2011

To Men gang,

Thanks for all the crazy taboo-pictionary-charade madness these couple of days.. especially today! TODAY, TUESDAY! is an awesome day! im absolutely beat.. will post about the madness when im freeee.. We can always count on the crazy to pick us up..Thankfully i see more crazy days ahead!

Ive got approximately 2 more weeks to spend with the Leavers.. especially The Gals.. There's always not enough time it seems..Time for more parties, farewells and gatherings..If it comes to a point where we really tidak sempat..hopefully during Xmas, Easter or Summer, we can pick up from where we left things.. XD

These are some pics of stuff Ive been up to lately...

Hate blogger photo slowwwww

Y7:25 PM

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Came across this picture in another laptop just now.. it was taken a while ago.. i remember this day vividly.. LY and i being anti sports people managed to walk 6km that one day.. with minimal complaints! The downpour actually made it memorable..

Recently, as 'inspired' by Wz during Physics correction time, we started doodling with our non dominant hand.. just sketching and colouring.. Everyone does it, there's no shame in that.. especially when we're trying to stiffle boredom..

We are NOT wasting time.. Science has proven that using the non-dominant part of your body will force 10% of your neurons to work..

Kepiang and I scribbling since Wed....

Three Days later, after one last Red Stroke for English 2.. we finished it! Tried our best to stay within the liness.. and it was fun.. calming actually.. i found myself whipping out this paper everytime i felt like banging my head against any hard surface..

Kudos to Kepiang for being supportive.. next week on, i have to take what i doodled literally.. as in its really time to get over myself and

extraaa kudos for his pm.. XD Im trying to bribe him into debuting it here..

Pretty much, time to wake up next week onwards.. XS

Y8:53 PM

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

There comes a point where life seems to go off course..In these desperate moments, you are forced to choose your direction..There will always be choices to make

Will you stay on your path while others tell you who you are? Or will you take a stand? Will you label yourself? Will you be honoured by your choice? Or Will you embrace your new path?

Each morning you choose to move forward or simply give up..

13 strikes today..and im still pulling through.. with each Strike, comes a million little pieces.. There are people in the world who are forced to bear more than my 13 strikes each day.. I had it lucky.. and i should be grateful..

Let me ask you, How much can a heart take?

Y8:47 PM

hey there ppl! do anything you like.. NOTE: copyrights reserved!This is a Rachel original

Image } threadless
Brushes } ignite

Rachel Lai
.forever 16
.Brunei is my big city <3!

TV SERIES! you name it!!
. chandler bing!
. SHEEPS!! 動力火車
James Patterson
read my lips, I HATE YOU .animal abuser .wife/husband beater Krusty the Clown
roses and rainbows everyday <3 money money fall from the sky!

YJia Hui
YHuiyi,Sharon, Jo
YMelvin >YMelvSee YIan YLawrence YChienYee YZee
they came by and left;
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009